Persiana Media Group
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Advertisement With Persiana Group


You may be wondering why TV commercials can be considered as the most effective advertising tool? Or other advertising tools such as newspapers, posters, tracts, business cards, etc. can not be a good competitor to TV advertising? What makes TV advertising the strongest and most effective advertising method? TV commercials, because they are ubiquitous, will keep your brand in mind because people will watch and remember it on TV at all times, because people usually spend more time watching TV. And has this made the TV commercials more effective? This has made it one of the most popular digital TV tools, so advertising in such an environment can cause your ads to spread in an environment that has several million viewers and put your brand name on the tongues.

About Persiana

In 2016, Persiana Media Group started its activities in five sectors: television, radio, magazines, free productions and holding cultural and artistic events in France, and today these activities are expanding in Baku, Istanbul and Dubai. has done . With the increasing penetration of satellite media among Iranian families and other neighboring countries, advertising through the networks of Persiana Media Group is the most effective way to convey your message to the maximum target community. Persiana Media Group, as the largest and most watched Persian language media, using the latest advertising methods, offers the most comprehensive facilities and offers to the owners of goods and services.

Types of TV Commercials

- Promotional teaser Play an advertising teaser, 40 to 60 seconds in the advertising boxes of Persiana networks. Advertising boxes, according to the global standard of commercial networks, will be a 6-minute advertising box for every 24 minutes.

- Participatory Programs The TV network, in collaboration with a brand or business, builds a program. In this case, the company in question is the sponsor of the program and the company's products or services are introduced directly or indirectly in the program.

-Sponsorship Advertising This type of advertisement is placed at the beginning and end of each program and presents the program to the audience under the title of a 6-second teaser.

- Logo Ident & Bumper This type of advertising is one to five in relation to the network logo and is used for branding the sponsor logo (Bumper). This type of ad opens and closes on the web, logo and text. The Logo Ident is a 3-second cut in the middle of the content, the logo comes as a page and goes again and the content continues to play. Product introduction subtitle is used permanently or product shape introduction with text is also used (Lower third & Pop up)

- Ads via EPG In all satellite networks, EPG helps viewers introduce programs. This guide helps us to know when programs are broadcast and their content. In this style of advertising, we can introduce and advertise the sponsor in text.